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Thursday, March 18, 2010

My thoughts lately...(stepping up on the soapbox)

This has been weighing heavily on my heart lately and I haven't had the courage to post it lately but have prayed about it and I feel it needs to be said....I follow alot of different blogs and have found lately that even with having my own that I don't feel comfortable posting on different topics...Now why is that?? why is it that we have the freedom of speech and yet we get attacked for saying what we feel....Some people start blogs for different reasons...some for prayer for different health concerns, some for making connections, some to keep in contact with long distance friends or family, some just to put information out there that they feel would be helpful to others..none of this I feel is grounds for people to come back with cruel comments...they sometimes do not even know these people personally....I think people should really think about what they are going to say before they say it because it could really end up hurting someone really matter what age we are words can be very damaging to a person...we try and try to not let things like that bother us but deep down we sit and analyze what someone has said to us and say "well am I that person or am I that way?" God made us all different for a reason...I was in my lifegroup the other night and we were all discussing our gifts....we are a couples group and going around the room it was neat to see that no two of us had the same gifts which means god made no two of us exactly the same...each of us is special in our own way and he did that so that we can each add our own special gift to the world and with one another....I will now step off my soapbox and I will be continue to pray for all of these people who continue to belittle others whom they do not even know...they have challanges in their life that they have chosen to take a HUGE leap to share with us mostly for us to Pray for them so please let us do that....May god bless each and every one of you and I pray that I haven't offended any of you that I just put a thought in your head to change your way of thinking before typing or speaking...god loves us all and he wants us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves....T


Anonymous said...

Powerful T! Well said and SO true. What happened to do unto others as you would like done unto you? Great blog and i LOVE the name!

Traci Reynolds said...

Thanks Karin I do believe that as well but society has taken a turn that is just something I am not understanding these days...It seems so childish to hurt someone such as some people do especially when they are already down or just trying to offer advice or just doesn't seem right...My heart has been aching for weeks and I have been in deep prayer about this...I am praying for change in so many peoples hearts and minds... PS: karlee designed the logo for me isn't it great...Love you sis...

Kelly said...

Well said Traci! You should not be afraid to post your feelings (in a nonoffensive way of coarse). Each person is unique and allowed to feel things differently...God gave us this gift of individuality and what a blessing it is. So rock on Sister and God Bless....

No Greater Gift Mom said...

Amen. I, too, have had a problem with this exact thing. Praying for those who feel the need to speak so negatively.
Love your blog!
In Him,