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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Slip sliding away..... days seem to be slipping away from me...not that I am home sitting on my couch wasting the days away on facebook...No I have been making some great fashion creations (pics to come) for my girls and family members for this spring and summer...and running kids to their various activities and in between trying to spend some quality time with my husband who has been working really hard lately or should I say as usual...LIfe for us is anything but laid back but we really did choose that lifestyle back when we started having children we enjoying being on the go watching our children learn and grow...we now have kids in soccer, basketball, ballet and ice skating one who is trying her hand in modeling, one who still loves theatre and one who loves to spend time at church...I love my children and their different personalities and watching them grown into young men and women...I can't wait to see what they grow up to be...

but I still worry those days are slip sliding away too fast for me...because that means one will be out of the nest too soon for me...some people get excited for a child to grow up and move on and become an adult...while I am excited for that to happen I am the mother of 6 children( I am sure you have noticed that already...LOL) and they all have very different personalities and add different things to our family and there will be a hole something missing from our family when each child moves away changing the dynamics of the family....It will definitely be something I will have to get used to and most of the kids too...some say they won't miss one another but wait until that day comes......

so that is where our days have been we are still here all around Virginia Beach and then some...I will leave you with some pictures of the kids to place a smile on your face as they do mine each and every day I just wish I could record some of the things ms. gayle has been saying lately this girl is going to be a stand up comedian....I love her blessed everyone...

1 comment:

Shannon said...

aww, Traci! Your little family is SO sweet!!! I'm sure it is very, very hard for children to grow up.. I know my parents hated to see me go! :[