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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Lets back up and start again 2009/2010

Well this year has been busy to say the least with shon returning from his last deployment to then him retiring and entering the civilian world...that is what has kept us busy through the summer...Then school began which this year we have 5 of our six half dozen in school so it was alot of adjusting for me to do our schedule was very hectic as we have two in different High school Academies so that means up at 5 in the morning and one on the bus at 6 but not at the house we have to drive her to her stop....then the others follow with the last getting on the bus just after 8...then jamisyn is half day kindergarten so she arrives home at 11:30 and karlee follows at 2:20 and the last arriving home at as you can see it took me a while to adjust to this...but we are smooth sailing now....I will now give you an update on our christmas and whats been up in the new year...

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